Make a Payment
The Village IV Organization accepts PayPal payments for association dues. Since Village IV collects dues on behalf of the MHOA and PHOA associations, the monthly individual MHOA dues and PHOA dues are combined with the Village IV dues to provide one convenient monthly payment amount. THOA members pay their individual association dues to their management company (FirstService Residential), and pay only the Village IV portion (which covers Clubhouse operations) to Village IV.
If you are a member good standing (with no past due balances and late fees on your account), use the Regular Monthly Payment area below to pay your regular monthly dues. There is also an option to set up a monthly recurring payment. The monthly amounts listed include a convenience fee in addition to the amount listed on the coupon payment book that is mailed to you in December each year.
If you have a past due balance on your account and wish to pay via PayPal, please contact the Clubhouse Office at (630) 960-2850 to request an invoice. An invoice with a link to PayPal can be sent to an e-mail address you provide.
Please Note: Payments for the current month must be paid on or before the 15th of that month. Payments after the 15th of the month will incur a late fee. For example - payments for the assessment month of June, 2023 must be made no later than June 15, 2023 to avoid a late fee. This policy is in accordance with the payment books that are provided to each household in December of each year.
2024 Assessment Year
For accounts in good standing only (no past due balances). If you have a balance on your account and wish to pay via PayPal, please contact the Clubhouse Office to request an invoice.
PHOA PAYPAL Payments are temporarily suspended.
Regular (One-Time) Monthly Payment
To pay your regular monthly dues, select your
payment amount for the appropriate association below.
(Convenience fee included):
Subscribe to Recurring Monthly Payment
To set up a recurring monthly payment, select your
payment amount for the appropriate association below.
(Convenience fee included):